Wednesday 8 October 2014

Stained glass portrait

One subject I am asked if I can do more than any other is the stained glass portrait. And the main subjects tend to be pets rather than people; are they saying something? Whether man or beast, we try to make the portrait as accurate as possible, with recognisable details, and we try really hard to capture and portray the character of the subject. But it is also a piece of glass art and should be able to stand alone as an eye catching thing of beauty. 
We either use copper foil or the appliqué method of constructing the pictures depending how they have been designed and the effect we are trying to achieve and we try to use glass which will still produce a lovely image whether the light is reflected or transmitted. The pictures are made entirely out of intricately cut and shaped coloured glass and 
assembled like a delicate jigsaw puzzle. The effect is remarkable, but very time consuming. 

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