Monday 18 January 2016

Fanlight fitted

After much ado, the Victorian fanlight finally has pride of place in Shepton Mallett. The lead was nicely blacked and aged with graphite paste and much elbow grease, then fitted to its mounting/transit board. This holds it flat face down and provides almost bombproof protection whilst moving and handling it, then by simply unscrewing the bottom bar and braces it allows me to lift and fit the panel with ease and in safety. 
Removing the previous piece of glass was straightforward, I wrap it in gaffer tape on both sides to contain any splinters, scrape out the old putty and remove any pins. With a bit of persuasion it pops out. A bit more elbow grease to clean the frame out, then offer the panel up. A perfect fit. I the apply a bead of clear bonding agent to the lead, this forms a tough, permanent but flexible bond, but will absorb a lot of the shock of the door slamming shut. The panel is then fitted and secured with a few pawl pins (belt and braces). Final act a really good quality fame sealant inside and out (I really don't like putty, it sets solid and cracks, letting water in). 
The effect on the door is pure magic, it looks like it been there forever. I just wish I could take a decent photograph. 

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