Saturday 17 October 2015

Victorian fan light

The Victorian fan light (technically a transom light) is now well under way. The vidimus (a scale coloured drawing representative of the finished product) has been approved and glass samples selected so its time to crack on.

First we need to finish the cartoon. I have previously made a cardboard template and fitted into the intended aperture, this confirms a good fit and highlights any anomalies, saving a lot heartache later on. So, the dimensions are all good. I will be using a 12mm flat lead came for the border, so need to add this to the cartoon. From this I can plot the inner face of the heart, which is the line (in red in the photo) up to which the glass will be cut, and just for ease of lead up, I also pencil in the inner flange of the came. 

Drawing these lines in is easy if they are straight, but the semicircle is a bit more tricky, you can't buy a compass big enough so we use a piece of timber with carefully drilled holes; remember we are looking for an accuracy of line and glass of less than 1mm. 

Once that's done, it's just a case of cutting the glass. 

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