Wednesday 4 March 2015

Business update

It's been a while since my last post so thought I should really update our current position. The run up to Christmas was very busy and to be honest, I was only able to do about a third of the jobs on the books. The problem was, as last year, studio space; or to be more precise, lack of it. I need to be able to work on two large projects and one small one, as well as running a course simultaneously. Current space is only enough for one large job, so working consecutively involves packing and unpacking. 
My long term plan has always involved building a larger studio, but a large capital investment would have to be paid for, and the only way to do that would be by going fully commercial and charging for my work, and that's not what we are about. 
So with a New Year hangover, I thought bugger it, just work harder for a change. Since then I have been working almost full time, doing 17 or 18 hour days. This has paid for a big log cabin, and with the ground works half done, I am hoping to be up and running by the end of March, on the same site. Lots of hard work needs relaxation, so our boat has had a bit of a battering as well. The photo is from our mooring at the wonderful Thornham marina in Chichester harbour, the tide is ebbing and a glorious sunset is dramatically lighting the storm cloud which has just passed. It is moments like this which makes life worth living. 

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