Tuesday 23 December 2014

Happy Christmas

We thought a festive post might be in order and have included a picture of one of my very favourite windows. It is a very modern window and sits at the west end of StMary's church in Shirehampton, Bristol. It depicts the traditional nativity scene but uses vibrant modern art glasses and a very modern style of design and painting. It is breathtaking to look at, the detail leaps out in almost 3D and the scene just comes alive. It is mesmerising to look at, as fine an example of modern stained glass as you will find anywhere. 
On the eve of Christmas, 100 years since the start of the First World War, we at Bishopstrow Glass would like to wish all our readers, followers, customers, friends, family, and servicemen and women everywhere, a happy, peaceful Christmas, and a safe and prosperous New Year. 
Per Ardua

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