Monday 26 May 2014

Stained glass painting

Been very busy earning sailing money lately so have had an intense effort with the oak tree window. The top panel is first, glass cut and most of the painting completed. The pieces with lettering have both been fired and look terrific, we have used both methods of painting letters. Acorn is achieved by painting the background out with thick black tracing paint, this means the only light coming through is from the letters, which really highlights the word and make it leap out of the window at you. 
The second method is actually painting the letters on, this makes the scroll stand out and the word becomes subordinate. Using this more subdued method for the secondary word increases the impact of the house name. 
All the oak leaves and acorns are traced and shaded and a couple of them are in the kiln firing as I write. The are in dark black paint and are very effective, I shall reserve the decision as to wether or not to paint the acorns brown and leaves green when it's all fired. Sometimes simple(s) can be more effective. 

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