Sunday 6 April 2014

All leaded

Okidoki, that's all the leading finished and I am happy to report that the last two pieces of border lead fitted without fuss and were right on the line. What this tells me is not just that all my fastidious measurements and hyper accurate glass and lead cutting have been spot on (can you imagine how accurate that needs to be so that over 10 to 20 pieces of all shapes it is within half a millimetre at the end!), but that the panel will be strong and resist movement. It has been a labour of love, fitting it together was very tricky and at times frustrating, but looking at it now, with its beautiful delicate curves, it has been well worth the effort. 
All that's left to do now is to solder the joints, cement the glass and polish the whole thing; then we can fit it. 
Work still on the books: two stained glass picture windows to design and make, one stained glass panel to restore, several lead lights to repair. 

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