Saturday 14 May 2016

Memories in stained glass

Memories are magical; a sight, a sound, a song, a smell, the slightest thing can trigger it and we are transported back to a moment in time. Some memories are so special that we like to keep permanent reminders of them. This next project falls into that category. 
Happy and very poignant memories of a Holliday on StMartins in the Scillies, captured in a photograph by one of the navigational day marks. The challenge, to make a permanent reminder  in glass. Also very poignant to the client was the appearance of three swallows , which are to be incorporated as well. 
It is a simple suncatcher, made by the copper foil method, with the swallows painted on a styled cloud and fired in the kiln. A lead came border conceals a copper wire, which both supports the picture and provides two hanging loops. 
I hope you like it. 

Monday 2 May 2016

Stained glass portrait

Ok, just a quick wash up on the stained glass portrait. Finally finished. I use a white pollyfiller type of powder to grout the glass, this allows me to control how deep and far it penetrates beneath, and allows me to use it as a very subtle highlight. I then use a good quality black water paint to darken the grout where necessary, and all that is left is some serious elbow grease to clean it all up. 
The two photos are with light from behind and in front, this shows really well how the different glasses perform, not just chosen for colour, but also how they illuminate the picture. The hair and shirt in particular really perform well. I am so pleased with it, really worth the time and effort, I'll be really sad to see an old friend go, but happy he is going to a better home. 

Sunday 10 April 2016

Stained glass portrait

Well that's all the glass cut and bonded, so effectively the portrait is finished. All that remains is to grout and polish and we will be ready to hand him over. 
I know I keep harking on about the photograph not doing justice to the piece, but it really doesn't. Looking at him sitting across the room from me, with that wickedly cheeky glint in his eye, it is an absolutely stunning picture. When you consider that it is just made up from pieces of coloured glass, it's all the more remarkable. I hope you like him. 

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Stained glass portrait

A bit more on the stained glass portrait today, concentrating on the second eye and nose. These are the features which bring the face to life, add depth to the picture, and if done right convey mood and personality. Very difficult to achieve using just bits of cut glass. 
The pieces once cut are placed on the check image in the correct orientation whilst the bonding agent is very carefully spread over the base glass. Each piece is then fitted in turn, being really careful not to get any bonding agent on the face of the glass (or your fingers for that matter). Once all are in place, very carefully manipulate them to achieve the desired look and hopefully expression, then each piece is properly bedded into the agent, checked again, then any excess agent is cleaned up. 
And there he is. Another day should do it. 

Monday 28 March 2016

Stained glass portrait

Well as if by a miracle, a stool on wheels turned up and took the strain from my very high mileage knees; a big thanks to my wonderful long suffering wife, xxx. 
Another long "bonding" session and a bit more glass cutting and the wonderful portrait is really starting to take shape. I have made a few very subtle changes, and although hardly noticeable they do enhance the overall effect, in particular the expression, which captures the whole personality. 
Really pleased so far. 

Sunday 20 March 2016

Stained glass portrait

Time marches on, unlike my knees which are now locked solid; must acquire some kind of bar stool on wheels. After numerous attempts to get the first eye right, I think we just about have it. I had to change several of the pieces around it for slightly different shades to get the accents looking better. This is a theme which continues as the picture progresses and I can see another couple of pieces which will need changing as well. Coming on nicely though. 

Sunday 28 February 2016

Another day in the studio

After another day in the studio, I wasn't going to post an update because there doesn't appear to be much progress. So to cheer myself up I thought I would pop a couple of different new bits in. We have the most beautiful baroque glass, which consists of black, white and clear glass swirled together. It is perfect for the shirt and I have been looking forward to adding it to the portrait, but not to cutting it; it's a real nightmare. True to form, a long and unbelievably sharp edge sliced right through my thumb whilst manipulating it on the grinder. It's so sharp I didn't feel a thing, just wondered why the water was running red when it was actually black and white glass. 
Wasn't it worth it though, the shirt is absolutely perfect; really pleased.