Sunday 10 April 2016

Stained glass portrait

Well that's all the glass cut and bonded, so effectively the portrait is finished. All that remains is to grout and polish and we will be ready to hand him over. 
I know I keep harking on about the photograph not doing justice to the piece, but it really doesn't. Looking at him sitting across the room from me, with that wickedly cheeky glint in his eye, it is an absolutely stunning picture. When you consider that it is just made up from pieces of coloured glass, it's all the more remarkable. I hope you like him. 

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Stained glass portrait

A bit more on the stained glass portrait today, concentrating on the second eye and nose. These are the features which bring the face to life, add depth to the picture, and if done right convey mood and personality. Very difficult to achieve using just bits of cut glass. 
The pieces once cut are placed on the check image in the correct orientation whilst the bonding agent is very carefully spread over the base glass. Each piece is then fitted in turn, being really careful not to get any bonding agent on the face of the glass (or your fingers for that matter). Once all are in place, very carefully manipulate them to achieve the desired look and hopefully expression, then each piece is properly bedded into the agent, checked again, then any excess agent is cleaned up. 
And there he is. Another day should do it.